Grab it now…The Wedding Adventure Begins.

I am sitting in the Delta Sky Lounge for my 7 hour layover in Cincinnati, OH while awaiting my overnight flight to Paris France.  It is very exciting as I will be photographing a wedding in the Netherlands on May 31, 2014!  Following this is a wedding tour from Amsterdam, through Belgium and ending with a 3 day shoot in Paris. 12 days of photography! Truly a wonderful opportunity as an American photographer who is in love with travel and the adventure it brings!  The first time I was in Paris and saw the Eiffel Tower sparkle…sigh.  I know that may sound hokie, but most Americans see Paris as romantic and have a slight love affair with the city.  When I walked into Notre Dame Cathedral, I was struck silent and even now thinking of it, my eyes well with emotion.  Silly, right?

I suppose I am like many Americans.  We tend to stay put over here on our continent hardly venturing from our region except to go on a business trip or perhaps a ski trip. When we get the opportunity to travel abroad and see the cities we learned about in World History, we tend to get a little overwhelmed with excitement.  It is like finally meeting an old friend–one you have only seen in photographs. One that is centuries old.

On this trip, I have the privilege to record through photography, one of the most important events in a couple’s life—their wedding. It takes place in Utrecht, Netherlands and then their “Northern European Extravaganza” trip with family and friends the following week ending with (at this photographer’s request) an iconic photo with my old friend, the Eiffel Tower 🙂

Here’s to love.  Here’s to adventure. Here’s to opportunity.  Grab it now, people.



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