Category Archives: Informative

Go Green At Trade Shows

Going green at a trade shows has an appeal doesn’t it? You have been there. You have attended a trade show with a branded bag and collected all of the swag from pens, to stress balls to usb drives. What would you pick up at a trade show that you would use in your business...

Kid’s Headshots

Kid’s Headshots are important to have when they are just getting into the business of Community & Regional Theatre and Commercial work. This young lady came to the studio with her mom and they both had professional headshots taken to use in a variety of settings. She is a thoughtful child by nature, I think...

Going Green at Trade Shows

Going green at a trade shows has an appeal doesn’t it? You have been there. You have attended a trade show with a branded bag and collected all of the swag from pens, to stress balls to usb drives. What would you pick up at a trade show that you would use in your business...

Your First DSLR Camera

Congratulations on wanting to buy your first DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) camera–a camera with interchangable lenses! I know it is overwhelming, so I won’t do that to you. Just a few basics to consider! What do you want to photograph? Are you interested in mostly photographing your family? Wildlife? Architecture? A little of everything?...

Buying Photography Equipment

What I have. Buying photography equipment can be so confusing! When people find out I’m a photographer, they always ask what kind of photography equipment I use. Canon is the answer. Photographers will want to know what model and how old it is and if it has been a reliable camera. So much thought, money,...

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