What will people find when they look for portraits of you? Selfies on your phone? Where are all of those digitals?? What was the most recent professional photograph you had taken? High School? College? Wedding? That time for the church directory? We have an entire generation that is the most photographed, but the least printed. Think about that.
I am on a mission to photograph you and make sure it is the best photograph you have EVER had taken AND PRINTED. I am very passionate about photographic prints. I have these prints of my relatives…My sister has the original Daguerrotypes. Grim looking bunch, but that was the style of photography and it was probably hot. It was southern Arkansas. Subjects had to hold still while the shutter was open long enough to expose the plates! THE POINT IS…I have these to hold in my hands and to see myself and my family in their faces. I treasure that! I will treasure them even more when they are framed and on my walls.
Let me give you beautiful prints to hold in your hands and pass on to your family so your great great great grandchild will hold them in their hands and be so thankful they can look into your eyes and maybe see themselves.
Portraits Sessions are $190.
Payment plans available.
CONTACT me with your questions and info! I would love to talk with you-